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The Vira Sadhana Tantric Preservation Project is currently located in Vancouver, Canada. We are seeking land to build a permanent ashram / center for tantric study and retreat. We welcome anyone who is willing to help sponsor this project by donating land or financial assistance. |
Vision Statement: This project is dedicated to the collection, research, and practical application of the corpus of ancient indological knowledge termed Tantra Shastra and its allied subjects. Stage 1 : Acquisition of rare Books & Manuscripts: With primary emphasis on original Sanskrit source material, and secondary emphasis on translations. Where we cannot obtain originals we will collect microfilm & digital facsimile copies. Stage 2: Practical Application: Collection, preservation and research is a very important aspect of our project. However, it is paramount to us that this research goes far beyond mere academic inquiry. Our intention is to aid in reviving the practical application of these ancient traditions Stage 3: Dissemination: Although there is substantial growing interest at present by scholars and general public alike into the esoteric traditions of India. It remains that the majority of manuscripts existing in India are now only starting to be documented. Only a small percentage of them have been actually published, yet alone translated into modern languages. It is literally a race against time, as manuscripts are corroding into dust from improper storage, handling and the general decay of time. The situation with books is not much better, many important texts were published in the late 1800s and early 1900s during the time of the British Raj. Most were only published in limited quantity and are becoming very rare indeed to find nowadays. Dissemination methods: · A systematic collection & classification of all manuscripts & printed material pertaining to the yogic & tantric tradition will be made available in our library and documented online. · Selective digitalization of rare books & manuscripts. · Selective reprinting of rare books that are out of copyright. · Critical translations · Seminars, presentations, exhibits & practical study groups.